This will be posted or moved to the main NZLARPS group in a week. Please let me know if you have any corrections to make.
NZLARPS National Committee quarterly summary April 2016.
The NZLARPS National Committee doesn’t formally meet, and instead conducts business through its Diatribe forum. As a result, we don’t publish formal minutes. Instead, we have decided to provide a quarterly summary of business.
Matters discussed
Since January the National Committee has:
- Agreed to purchase 5,000 business cards, the cost of which will be distribruted amongst the regions.
- Naomi has successfully migrated Diatribe to Discourse. Once its settled down, our web-hosting migration journey will be complete.
- Received an update on membership numbers from the Secretary.
Motions passed
2016-1 (22 March 2016): That we purchase 5,000 business cards from Vivid.
3 in favour, 1 abstention (Malcolm)