NZLARPS National AGM 2024

NZLARPS will be holding its AGM at 7:30 pm, Thursday 26 September 2024. Part of the business of the AGM is to elect a committee for the upcoming year. We are therefore calling for nominations for committee.

As in previous years we will be holding the AGM remotely via Zoom. A link will be emailed to all members prior to the meeting.

The deadline for nominations is Sunday 15 September 2024. The gap is to allow time for email voting.

Every candidate for committee must be proposed and seconded by two members, but they do not themselves need to be members at the time of nomination. If you are unsure of your membership status, you can check it on or by emailing

Nominations and calls for business can be made by posting to the thread below, on the Facebook thread, or by email to Any emailed nominations will be posted in this thread below.

There are five positions available.

  • President - The President of the society shall be responsible for overall running of society, promoting the vision of the society, chair committee meetings, work for consensus in the committee, cast deciding vote in case of ties, attend meetings as society representative, liaising with all regional directors to coordinate the workings of the Society across New Zealand, managing matters related to the core function of the society, the first point of contact for those wishing to contact the society.
  • Secretary - Maintain the national membership database. Keep all club correspondence in an organised fashion. Send letters as required. Send reminders of meetings to committee members. Take minutes at meetings and distribute to committee members. Communicate decisions made by committee to members.
  • Treasurer - Responsible for society finances. Keep general ledger to track society expenditure and income. Pay all society accounts. Bank money received. Advise on availability of funds for projects and committee initiatives. Distribute budgets to project owners and receive repayments. Pass accounts to society accountant to be registered with the government. Present financial report of current position at committee meetings.
  • Marketing Officer - Identify online and offline communities. Devise strategies by which to promote larp games and events to these communities, with a view to recruiting new players into larping and potentially into joining NZLARPS. Coordinate marketing campaigns.
  • Information Technology Officer - Coordinate the creation and maintenance of information technology resources for the society such as the society’s website, online forum, communications technology for meetings, and the enablement of projects via information technology.

Each position must be held by a separate individual. If someone is elected to two positions, they must choose one, and the next highest-polling candidate (if any) fills the other.

Nominations & Calls for business:

Incorporated Societies Act - New Constitution discussion


Ciarán Searle nominated by Malcolm H, seconded by Donna G, nomination accepted.

Rob Shaw, nominated by Malcolm H, seconded by Donna G, accepted


Ben Seymour nominated by Malcom H, seconded by Naomi G, accepted by Ben Seymour

Marketing Officer

Isabella T nominated by Isabella T, seconded by Meadow B, nomination accepted

Information Technology Officer

Anneke S nominated by Anneke S, seconded by Rob Shaw, accepted by Anneke S

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Is there an actual motion or new constitution to discuss for this item?

We are trying to get a draft constitution finalised in time, but whether it is vote ready - not sure yet. At worst it will be discussion ready.

So the motion will be tidied up before the voting is sent out.

I nominate Benjamin Seymour for treasurer.

I second Benjamin Seymour for treasurer

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Will the new constitution make any substantive changes, or just the minimum ones necessary to comply with the new Act?

I had been planning to put a motion that we intended to re-register and directing the committee to draft a minimal-changes constitution and bring it to an SGM for approval (because we’re on a deadline here), and I’m glad to see the committee is working on this.

I am disappointed that it is only as the AGM is pending that we as members see anything regarding how the new Societies Act will affect us as NZLARPS.
I was under the impression that the Committee as voted in on AGM 2023 was going to engage our communities on this topic during the year.
Is there a reason this wasn’t done?

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Our team were eager to get the societies act sorted but were hindered by making sure our bank access had been updated correctly and website issues at an inoppurtune time meant we were unable to contact our members with the appropriate amount of time for both an SGM and our voting AGM.

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I am happy to stand for IT Officer again

Its a new constitution with what is required to be compliant, but tailored for our current set up.

Any other changes are mostly to reflect the changes in how we run things like our AGM and further facilitate electronic meetings and voting.

I either nominate Anneke for this role, or second if this post I reply to was a self nomination.

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Just to confirm, there are no changes to the region structure?

(I remember some vague reference to wanting to change this during the AGM discussion, which is the sort of thing which would require full consultation and engagement with the membership, of the sort we had when it was set up)

Thank you. I accept this nomination.

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I nominate Ciarán Searle as president.

I accept the nomination


I second the nomination of Ciarán Searle as president.

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There are no proposed changes to the structure.

As noted that would require broader consultation amongst the Society.

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I nominate Rob Shaw for secretary.

I second Rob Shaw for secretary

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I would like to nominate myself for National Marketing Officer :slight_smile: