NZLARPS Hosting Migration

For many years (almost a decade by my reckoning), NZLARPS has enjoyed generous free hosting from Craig Neilson, an erstwhile NZLARPS member.

Things have moved on, and Craig would like to shut down his server. We therefore need to find a new host for our existing web sites, databases etc. These include:

I am going to need some assistance to do this. While I’m an IT pro, my expertise is mainly on the Microsoft stack.

If you are able to assist in the migration, please post here or PM me.

We have actually found other hosting for Hydra and was going to arrange redirects.

We may have a place for Nzlarps and chimera and diatribe, but I need to confirm that first.

Thanks for the updated. So Hydra is taken care of, and the others may have a new home too. I’ll check with Craig re deadlines.

Any update on whether the new Hydra host can also accommodate nzlarps, chimera and diatribe ?