nzLARP's Hamilton Gear Library

As some of you know, a nzLARPs gear library has been established in Hamilton. Shortly I will post a list of items held by the library. Many of these currently need some work so will be unavailable in the short term.
People wishing to access this gear need to email me:

I will then issue you with better contact details & a spreadsheet of items held. I don’t forsee any issue with obtaining gear from me, I will just require forward notice of at least 2 days.

Gear return will be required within a week of lending.

My co-quartermaster will be Dave McIssac so most queries can be directed to either of us.

Items will be lent at no cost although I will ask for a small koha for maintenance. Odd breakages will not be charged for but damages will be discussed with the borrower & between myself & nzLARPs committee members.
Damages must be notified immediately after an event.

All donations will be accepted. Thanks to Derek for his gift of gear to the Waikato groups. This will also be available to all Hamilton/Waikato groups.

I am also looking at building basic kit for new or existing players, or at least holding enough materials to help people build gear.

PM, email or catch me on MSN for more information.

This wasn’t just me. We had a couple of workshops and several people attended: Mike, Chantelle, Scott and a few others I’ve forgotten :blush:

nzLarps put in $50 for materials but most of the attendees also chipped in some money as well and bought materials they already had available.

So it was from a whole lot of us :smiley:

And once again we can’t thank you all enough - I’m sure I speak for Jared also when I say how awesome it is to have all of your support :smiley:

Well you certainly have my thanks
Cheers again Derek, Scott, Chantelle and others.
You will just have to come down to see it in action. I think the “target” shield will feature in many IC jokes.


[quote=“Derek”]This wasn’t just me. We had a couple of workshops and several people attended: Mike, Chantelle, Scott and a few others I’ve forgotten :blush:

nzLarps put in $50 for materials but most of the attendees also chipped in some money as well and bought materials they already had available.

So it was from a whole lot of us :smiley:[/quote]

Kara was another one, I think Malu may have been another?

Thanks to Kara & Malu also then! 8)

Perhaps the question about which gear is whose could be resolved if you gave all the donated gear to the Hamilton NZLARPS gear library? Then it’s all in the same situation.

Quite a lot of the NZLARPS gear was donated by Mordavia and by individual larpers, with the idea being that if it was owned communally everyone would always be able to use it.

My interpretation is that Jared will be storing nzLARP gear with QW gear and wants to be able to tell them apart.

This is the same situation I have viz-a-viz Skirmish and nzLARP gear. I’ve been very careful to ensure that the two gear pools are kept separate. My solution was physical separation, and it appears Jared will not have that luxury, so wants to discretely mark the nzLARPS gear as such.

Alternatively, he could mark QW gear instead, that way we could lend boxes of nzLARP gear for KS games and we would not have to go to the effort of marking each item in each box.

Jared, am I correct in my interpretation ?

I simply need to identify items so all groups can return it to its proper place. The nzlarps gear is NOT mine but I am holding it for nzLARPs.
QW gear is Alista’s sole property.
The bind is the gear was given to both groups (being the shields & helmets), it isn’t nzLARPs gear but is to be used by all Hamilton larps.

Just don’t want to seem like I’m taking more than my share even though I don’t have one personally.

Unless either of the larps in Hamilton are incorporated, they can’t legally own gear anyway (they’re not legal entities). I’m assuming (possibly incorrectly) that QW isn’t incorporated, in which case the kit that Alista has will legally belong to Alista.

So it’s probably best to say the donated gear belongs to nzLarps, and (like all the nzLarps gear) it can be used by any larps that need it and are close enough to get and return it.

I believe that QW was accepted as an associate some time age (please correct me if I’m wrong).

The important thing to me (and I don’t speak for nzLarps here) is that it is available and used, not hoarded and jealously protected. Lend it out! Wear it out! Enjoy it!

I’m a bit like Alista in that I’ve collected a ton of kit over the last cough years of larping and I’ve sunk a ton of $$$ into collecting it. It’s personal kit and I try not to mix it up with nzLarps stuff, but people still borrow stuff for games and I often get it back again as well :slight_smile:

And it is that kind of issue I wish to avoid. I don’t want to be seen as a hoarder… cause I’m not!

Thanks guys for making the gear. It is certainly appreciated.

[size=200]Hamilton Gear Library[/size]
As the library increase I will update this list. If you want to borrow it for a Hamilton/Waikato larp, please contact me at least 2 days prior to requiring it. Gear must be returned within a week of the larp. Gear will not be delivered except when I am attending or by special agreement (heavy bribes).

Helms (4)

  • norse, nasal bar, new (4)

Shields (LARGE) (4)

-classic shape, black, poor condition, repair need (1)
-square, sacking, average cond (1)
-sqr, silver, average (1)
-sqr, black, avg (1)

Shields (Medium) (10)

-round, black/silver, avg (1)
-classic, blk/sil, avg (1)
-diamond, blue w/ tower, good (1)
-diamond, blk/wh/silv. w/ cross, good (1)
-rnd, silv, avg (1)
-rnd, w/ boss, target, r/blk/y, new (1)
-rnd, w/ boss, grey, new (1)
-rnd, w/ boss, spokes, r/blk/y, new (3)

Axes (Large) (3)

-massive headed, poor, repair (1)
-long, butterfly, avg (1)
-large woodsman, poor, repair (1)

Axes (medium) (1)

-sack handle, poor (1)

Axes (Small) (1)

-sack handle, butterfly, avg (1)
-sack handle, poor (1)

Swords (Medium) (4)

-average (3)
-very wide (1)

[b]Swords (Small) /b

-Ex-caliber, blk/silv, good (1)
-torn handle, poor, repair (1)

Misc weaponry

-Tentacle, brown/green, large, avg (1)
-Tentacle, flail-like, red, med, avg (1)

Random Gear

Yet to quantify
-Leatherette (assorted pieces)
-Assorted wall & table dressings
-Assorted candle holders