NZLARPs Auckland Committee Minutes 11 May 2015

[b]Start: 7:51pm

In attendance: Daena (via skype), Clare (via skype), Prema, Walter, James, Dave (10 minutes late due to traffic)

Apologies from Mike[/b]

James Cooper is here for the meeting tonight.

Minutes from last meeting unanimously accepted.

Matters arising:

  • Roelof - messaged Daena - he won’t be attending tonight and will be stepping down.
  • This means the Marketing position is open - there are 3 more months until the election.
  • If we know of anyone who wants to do the role - ask them.
  • If anyone wants to fill the role - contact the committee.
    Action Point:
    Prema to post up to ask if anyone wants to fill the role.
  • Daena is having trouble getting to meetings due to transport, but is happy to skype into them.
  • Walter and Prema have purchased a house - so we will have to find another location for meetings.
  • Daena is offering her place for meetings - she is in Avondale. -> Walter, Clare and Prema are fine with this.

Dry Spell:

  • Approved as a project. First game budget has been approved.
  • Clashes with one of the Hogwarts social events - Yule Ball.
  • Hogwarts and Dry Spell do attract slightly different demographics though, and it is hard to avoid clashes in Auckland.

Has submitted a Game 2 budget.

Action Points from previous meetings:

  • Contacting Roelof / Daena about meeting attendance - done.
  • Council funding - Walter has spoken to Patrick briefly, Patrick is keen to apply, maybe in conjunction with NZLARPs.
  • Action Point: Walter to follow up with Anna re. final figures for previous Chimeras, so we can forward predict for the upcoming one.

Finance report:

  • Walter waiting on Hogwarts budget for Yule ball. We will resolve it online.
  • Moonbright budget received.
  • New bank account all set up. Walter can make payments (but not approve them yet).

Gear officer

  • Walter and Tigger stepping in while Mike is away, for a game this weekend.


  • Armageddon - way more expensive this year than last time. $600 + GST compared to $280 + GST last time.
  • We ran a one off larp run afterwards, but this was underattended - Newbies attended but not that many experienced larpers.
  • Ryan is looking at setting up a stand, and perhaps doing it with Crucible or Jimmy who used to work with Frontier.
  • We could consider going in on that and chipping in for it? Might need a bigger stand given more people.
    -> Send out feelers to Ryan and Crucible, to see if they would be interested in doing a “Larping in NZ” stand.
    -> Action Point: Walter and Prema will catch up with Patrick to discuss.
  • We will vote for the amount we can contribute after we find out whether the other groups are willing to do a joint stall and how much it will cost.
  • Prema would like a dedicated NZLARPs person there at all times - so we don’t get overshadowed.
  • Discussion around the cost/benefit of running an Armageddon stall. - do we get enough out of it in increased members to make it worthwhile?
  • Daena has volunteered to work as the NZLARPs representative to co-ordinate the stall.

Recent games:

  • Sabbat
  • Hunter
  • Changeling

Upcoming LARPs:
- Hogwarts Game 2

  • Dry Spell (June)
  • Chimera - last games have been submitted.
  • Moonbright Game 3 - likely to run same weekend as Dry Spell, so people from Wellington can attend both.

Budget template:

  • Prema is not a fan of our budget template - she thinks it is overly detailed and has bits which are unnecessary and hard to understand.
  • The template also needs a line for NZLARPs gear fee (perhaps an auto populating line which calculates the gear fee based on no. of participants?)
    Action Point: Walter + James to review the budget template at some point.

Prema moves that Moonbright be accepted, Walter 2nd. 3 abstains, 2 yesses.
Sounds like there might be some filming at the game.

Meeting closed 8:31pm