Nice helmet on eBay

This is the same helmet I got for Teonn. $189 USD and FREE shipping.


Look, you can see the people in the reflection =3.

Anyway, is that brass, copper or some other copper Alloy? (Or something completely different?)
Edit: Okay, actually bothered clicking on the link, and it said Brass =3. I do like Brass… but I also like this money in my wallet =/ I think I will pass this one XD.

Helmets are cool, but expensive; I’d really love to find a cheap source of plastic ones beyond the $2 shop.

(Its almost enough to make me want to play with vacuum tables. Except I don’t have one, can’t build one, and lack the craft-fu to do it anyway).

Beyond the $2 shop…

This is where I got my helmet for the Kapcon LARP Achaean (Search roman helmet) - for $15 - I just got the cheapest one and bought some feathers for $5 from petes emporium and glued them on, I spray painted the silver to gold as well. Great for a 3hr larp, probably not so awesome for a weekend game though. They had $50 ones too, but still plastic, but was gold with feathers.

One of the Indian replica makers seems to have gotten desperate enough to start offering GBP 1 reserve auctions with free shipping … 35cd17fcfa

Also: or people who wanted a plastic kettle hat like mine (as seen at Teonn and Chimera): you get them from here: … rom=&_ipg=

They advertise them for kids, but the kettle-hat fits a big-headed person like me fine. As for the rest, I know the bascinet is too small for me, but fits other people with smaller heads. I can’t comment on any of the others, but they’re cheap enough that you could take the risk, and pass it on to a kid or smaller-headed larper if it doesn’t fit.