New Gear Shed

As a matter of paranoia, it might be worth going over the shed on a sunny day with some selleys all-clear sealant type stuff and attack any cracks or holes that might look even remotely problematic - especially the part between the two triangle overhangs at each end.
It might also be worth looking at drainage options to make sure the water from the roof doesn’t end up in Nikki’s house :stuck_out_tongue:
The things you think of the next day…

Oh yeah - and as promised, bonus XP to all Wolfgang players that were there to help :smiley: The Church rewards charity…

That’s right.

2XP Multiverse bonus to all helpers should they have/start a Multiverse character. We experienced Chaos and Law in about equal quantities, methinks :slight_smile:

Yeah well… you guys owe me one now.


I loose the interwebs for 3 weeks, and I get the dates confused. I am abjecrly sorry for missing this.