You reckon? Might be the other way around in, say, America’s larp scene. I think number of concurrent games would be correlated to community size but I don’t think ideas are the same. We’re just lucky to have larp idea power-houses like Brian churning out decent ideas constantly [/quote]
The America Club is mainly a tabletop rpg scene. I’m sure they have heaps of people having too many ideas to run too, but they’re tabletop rpg ideas. Also, it’s easy to run a tabletop RPG one-off or campaign with say 4 people. Not so easy for a larp, as many larps require more people and/or higher logistical requirements.
I have around 10 larp ideas that I’d like to run or help write, all stacking up. The ideas people present on this forum are the tip of the iceburg.
So yes, I think there will always be more larp ideas than time and people to run them, and it’s just the nature of the beast. It’s not as severe as situation as making movies, where the limitations of logistics and audience are far more severe. But it’s all good, more ideas means more choice and the popular ones or the ones with a lot of creative drive behind them will get done.