Names, People, Places

Apprentices of the maker

Name Epitaph Lived
Orelli Mason 545-608
Umbrant Botonist 580-631
Sibona Armourer 628-693
Mirren Adept
Emil Inventor
and healer
Rulaine Maker of
the pipes

The Fall Ritualists

Evinar - the Sage
Anaiya - the Sorceror
Marius - the Knight
Ghedron - the Bastion
Telisi - the Dervish

The Gods

Aldinar the Bright
Carrimorne the Just
Desteon the Bold
Kelira the Foresighted
Laphoris the Clever
Lydienne the Merciful
Messahl the Gracious
Navahmi the Strong
Orsteon the Valiant
Riella the Patient
Savronar the Wise
Temissa the Vigilant
Vanhier the Maker
… and The Dragon

The Soul Eaters

Sigfried - Deceased
Wolfgang - The Arcanist
Magnus - The connoisseur

The Fall Ritualists

Evinar - the Sage
Anaiya - the Sorceror
Marius - the Knight
Ghedron - the Bastion
Telisi - the Dervish

According to the list on the board, the Sorceress is Anaiya. The Dervish is Telisi.

Fixed, thanks! I also originally heard Ghedron as Gadron.

List of the Gods

  • Aldinar the Bright
  • Carrimorne the Just
  • Desteon the Bold
  • Kelira the Foresighted
  • Laphoris the Clever
  • Lydienne the Merciful
  • Messahl the Gracious
  • Navahmi the Strong
  • Orsteon the Valiant
  • Riella the Patient
  • Savronar the Wise
  • Temissa the Vigilant
  • Vanhier the Maker


The Dragon

Suggestion: Can we call them “The Fall Ritualist” or something as “The participants in the ritual that dispersed the gods” is long and hard to say.

Sure. I was going to call them god eaters, after a comment someone else made, but decided against that. I don’t actually see it that way myself. :wink:

The gods are still there, the vessels anyway, just far away. So they have not eaten them per sec, but I think the sentiment is fine.

Cobalt, the Nephilim, described it as being cut up and stuffed into 5 different vessels.

It may be worth adding their citidals?

The Soul Eaters

Sigfried - Deceased
Wolfgang - The Arcanist
Magnus - The connoisseur

Do we have access to a google spreadsheet where we can all add these in?

We could wiki the top post? But I imagine people might want to write them in their notebooks. :slight_smile: