Moving to Wellington - Interested in Crewing

Hi All,

So I’m moving to Wellington around the 8th of February and I’m interested in coming to crew for the game on the 14th-16th. However, I need to know if there is accommodation for crew left and I need to sort transport to and from the game from Wilton. Unfortunately, I have no idea who I would talk to to sort either of these things, so I’m hoping the magic of Diatribe will help.

Hey there, GM for the game here.

There is LOADS of crew spots and crew bunks left. About 40 in fact. Yes, please bring us 40 more crew!

Check out the ride-sharing thread for transport options - we’re working on car-pooling everyone out but it’s a bit of a mission and the GMs try not to get involved (we have other chores!).

Let us know if you need any other details before the game.
