Minutes for Wgtn Regional Committee Meeting - Dec 14

Minutes of the NZLARPS Wellington Regional Committee Meeting
14th December 2013

Meeting opened at 11:24 a.m.

Russ Kale (minutes)
Donna Giltrap
Malcolm Harbrow
Anthony Doornebosch
Ellen Boucher
Mel Duncan
Thomas Joychild

Apologies: Bryn Jones

Item 1: Gear-Borrowing Costs

The committee discussed the proposed hiring costs for the use of NZLARPs props and set-dressing materials (for games run by members of NZLARPs, or NZLARPs affiliates). Up until recently, games have been able to approach NZLARPs for borrowing materials, but there has been no formalised process for payment. Mel (gear officer) mentioned that she had charged a Wellington member $20 for the hiring of a number of weapons for use in a theatre performance, with rules put in place so that the theatre cast were liable for any damage beyond wear and tear.
Ellen proposed that one cost could be applied to one-off games, another for day games, and a third for weekend games. Malcolm proposed that these prices should be set at $50, $100 and $200, respectively. Anthony later asked whether an extra cost should be applied to weaponry, and a $50 flat rate was adopted into the proposal.
It was also suggested that a cost could be applied per player, but it was felt that the simpler solution would be more beneficial.

Ellen moved that the committee should set the prices for borrowing from the Wellington NZLARPs gear library at $50 for a one-off game, $100 for a day game, and $200 for a weekend campaign, with a further $50 is the game required NZLARPs weaponry.
Anthony seconded. All in favour; motion passed.

Item 2: The Calendar
The calendar was described by Malcolm as “insane”. A game in Wellington, or with a significant number of Wellingtonian participants, is scheduled to happen every fortnight or so until the end of April. Anthony noted that the next ‘Kingdom’ session was likely to take place in November 2014, which leaves a number of spaces open between June and November.
It was suggested that Wellington should host a ‘Winter Season’ of medium-sized games, one a month between May and July. Malcolm said that he would contact the mailing list and ask on Diatribe for game offers, especially such classic games as ‘Tomb of the Mad Goddess’ and a “steampunky thing for October/November”.

Action: Malcolm to do all the things.

Item 3: Marketing
Armageddon was discussed, and whether we wanted a table, or to run a LARP there to attract new players. Malcolm said that he would contact Armageddon to look at pricing.

Action: Malcolm to do more of the things.

Mel and Thomas mentioned that a Wellington LARPer who had attended 33AR was a film student who had been considering making a documentary about LARPing. The general discussion around this indicated enthusiasm, and we will be keeping an eye out for more details on this. And then brunch arrived.

Item 4: Gear Storage

Action: Thomas, Scott and Sophie to continue exploring options for gear storage with community grants.

It was moved that Mel has to bake cookies for the owner of the shed in which the gear library currently resides, and that reliable members of the committee would taste-test these cookies to ensure their quality.
The motion, unsurprisingly, was passed unanimously.

Item 5: Sorting our Stuff Out

It was proposed that January 25th, 2014 be set aside as a day to catalogue, repair, and generally sort out the NZLARPs gear locker.

Action: Mel to post this information to all the usual places and encourage volunteers.

All business covered. Discussion on the format of publishing minutes, including a send-off line. Russ declared intention to eat all the jet planes at the restaurant counter.
Time of death: 12:06 p.m.

I am such a fan of these minutes. I found them by mistake. Will be tuning in for next episode!

Don’t encourage him…