Minutes for Wellington NZLARPS committee, 28 February 2015

Meeting opened at 2:23 p.m., at the Southern Cross.

Members in attendance: Anthony Doornebosch, Donna Giltrap, Idiot Savant, Mel Duncan, Russ Kale, Scott Kelly, Thomas Joychild. No apologies.

Item 1: Discussion of where the Wellington gear is currently being stored.
The gear is still split between the houses of two committee members in Highbury. There is still the potential for renting a permanent space for storage: this time, the proposed space was a garage for rent in Highbury, or the purchase of a shed that could be set up on member-owned land. Mel was to look into the pricing of this.

Plans for an inventory of the gear and a repair day were discussed: The inventory date was tentatively set for April 11th. It seems that a lot of the gear requires repairs; this task would need the input of available NZLARPS members. If the job can’t be completed easily in one go, we may have to plan for several sessions over the course of the year.

Item 2: 33AR.

Mel and Thomas informed the committee that 33AR needed no new assistance from the committee for the final session, but that it would be appreciated if the mailing list could be informed that the game required more crew.
A brief discussion of historical malnourishment ensued. I’m not really sure why.

Item 3: Hydra and other large-scale games.
Enrolment numbers were up for Hydra over previous years. Scott was planning to email players with confirmation over the next few days; and to finalise designs for the convention shirt.
It was estimated that Hydra 2015 would turn a profit for NZLARPs.

In terms of other campaign games running in Wellington, it was unclear at the time whether ‘Eldleaf’ or ‘Embers’ would be going ahead in the near future. More information since the meeting has suggested that these campaigns are still some way off.

‘Dry Spell’, Scott mentioned, is likely to run for its duration as an NZLARPS project. He, Anthony and the other GMs were looking at timetables for their events, run in both Auckland and Wellington. They’re looking to use interesting locations within these two cities for their games. A brief discussion followed on interesting Wellington locations to run games, culminating in Mel pointing out that people on Soames Island get attacked by vicious geese. There was no suggestion that we run a short series of games based on Hitchcock films.

Item 4: The Winter Season.
As in 2014, it was proposed that a series of parlour LARPs be run in May, June and July. The intended games, at the time of the meeting, were ‘Small Town Folks’ in May, ‘I Pray God Will Curse the Writer’ in June, and ‘The Devil’s Brood’ in July.

Item 5: Armageddon.
There was informal agreement that NZLARPs would run a parlour game for Armageddon Wellington, following some discussion of financial position.
A vote passed unanimously to pay for booth space at the event in 2015.

Meeting adjourned after a late lunch, at 3:27 p.m.