Membership Processing Back Online (beep boop)

Kia ora team! Friendly national secretary here again for another membership update.

I have now sent emails to all members whose membership expired in 2020 so far (so, since January 1st) and reminders to members whose membership will expire this month. Some of those memberships will expire in the next couple of days, so apologies if you receive yet another email from me in the next week.

I have processed all new memberships that have been paid for, and am about to send out emails to people who signed up for a membership in the last couple of months.

If you are in a position to do so, please consider renewing your NZLARPs membership - this will allow us to support to community to rebuild our LARP calendar to its former glory.

You will receive (another) email from me in the lead up to the AGM to ensure everyone who wants to cast their vote is able to as fully paid up members of the society.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, or think you should have received an email but haven’t, send me a message at

Ngā mihi nui, and apologies for the delay. See you at Pegasus!

(Crossposted from Facebook)