Quite an interesting array of larp, cosplay and SCA in Melbourne covered in this article:
wyndhamweekly.com.au/news/lo … 07007.aspx
They use a cool photo from a steampunk larp.
Quite an interesting array of larp, cosplay and SCA in Melbourne covered in this article:
wyndhamweekly.com.au/news/lo … 07007.aspx
They use a cool photo from a steampunk larp.
That’s not a bad article, quite cool to read about larp in Sydney!
Actually, I think that photo might be from a cosplay, and the second one down is from a larp. They don’t label the photos apart from who’s in them. Would be kinda cool if the occasional larp looked like a cosplay though.
I had a look about and found this forum that seems like Victoria, Australia’s equivalent of Diatribe. Some of the games mentioned in the article seem to have their forums here:
I made a post to say hello here:
Great minds seem to think alike. They have a “Chimera Productions” that seems to be putting on one of their bigger larps (L5R!)