Makeup, paint and tools

I’m willing to buy a large can of fixer spray if people are willing to make a small donation (like a dollar) if they use it. The dang stuff is $75 a can at Costume Magic and the teeny bottle I had at the last game is $37.50! Ridiculous really.

[size=150]I need to place the order before I start getting ready for the game tomorrow night. So that means I really need all orders in tonight (Friday) or tomorrow morning (Saturday). 1pm would be my absolute latest deadline for someone putting in an order.[/size]

Now, I know that means some people can’t deposit the money in time for me to pay for the order directly, so please get it done as soon as you can, my credit card will thank you! A big thank you to those of you who have paid already.


Actually, that’s a good point. If you can get a large bottle of fixier spray from your supplier for cheaper than we can here, I would like one as well.

Do you know what kind it is? I generally prefer the pump action bottles, and then get refills… The problem is that because it’s alcohol based, I don’t think they can ship by air to New Zealand… Or do they…?

The big Kryolan cans are aerosol, but they do a 4oz pump spray as well. So frustrating, because it’s REALLY cheap over there. Unfortunately, the HazMat postage is astronomical. And this time it’s irrelevant because I can’t put it with the Teonn order without risking the whole order being delayed at customs.

In all seriousness, Yolanda just recommended we use hairspray. Apparently overseas they use it for competitions all the time. I might try it on myself tonight, paint my arm or something and then seal it with hairspray, make sure it doesn’t stay sticky.

Edit: Jackie says there’s pages of google notes saying “don’t do this” regarding using hairspray, so the question becomes, do I try contacting my suppliers and see what any delay might be like? We only have three weeks until the game. sigh i need more too, I’m almost out. My only other option is to pay the $75+ from the only place I know of in Auckland. Ouch.

I was wondering about hair spray… But never tried it…

for the last game, I went and got paint from first scene and they had some fixing power, which I also bought but it was only in a tiny pot so it doesn’t got far, definately enough for one for a little while.