Hi all, I’ve got three remaining projects to work on, and I was wondering if I could get some help with them from various sources. If there’s something I can help you with in return, please let me know.
I’m short a pair of black dressy shoes for the wedding/ball. I was thinking about buying some, but I also want to avoid buying a new pair of shoes and then traipsing them through Brookfields. If someone could loan, I promise to dry them out and polish them up before returning them. I’m a size 10.
I’m pasting together maps for the taverna (which I will try and get to one of the taverna preparers at dance practice on Wednesday evening). I’m looking for PVA glue, because the only adhesive in my house currently is superglue, and you can’t water that down… I tried. If anyone at Steph’s crafting thing can bring some along I’ll be much obliged.
I’ve been tasked with the playlist for the ball, which is almost done, but I overlooked the crucial fact that I don’t have an iPod. Burning a CD or two might be an option, if someone wants to bring along the CD player we used last time, otherwise I’m happy to hand this off to someone more technical-minded than I am.