LARP gear on trademe

I’m sure someone will be interested… someone is selling larp weapons on trademe

Is it someone we know of collectively?

I believe that’s the former owner of the Medieval Shop.

Possibly something nice for the gear closet?

:open_mouth: OMG

The masks are great, but they do not appear to enable speech-like animation. i.e. if you talk, the mask does not move.

Ahh yes but for the undead types that would not matter… still they are cheap cheap cheap.

Nor, for that matter, do any of our existing masks :wink:

I’d suggest you start bidding then or asking the seller to put more auctions on… I’d personally be asking for a bunch of undead masks… but I’m all out of funds for larp at the moment (having just organised some kit for st wolfgangs).
If someone wanted me to bid on their behalf I can do that but I’d need the money ASAP… so not really that helpful really.

If anyone is watching the auctions for masks, I’m currently bidding under my wifes logon: Dietlemon
The guy selling seems to have a lot of them so if anyone wants some masks to add some bulk to their monster section of gear should do so, given the price.

I think NZLARPS should get some more quality gear, but at the moment we have all our cash invested in forthcoming games. However, the recent money coming in from the Joust work might be a good source of a hundred or so for good gear.

This would be Mike’s call as Gear Librarian as he’d know what is in most demand and what we have in stock.

No big requirement for masks at present, and we have a box of masks/wigs etc that could be useful if a game required masks.

OTOH, the price is very good, and if GMs think these may be useful, it may be a good idea to purchase 10 masks at the very low price of $49. Then again, spending $49 on something which may not be used could be considered risky. Any GMs with an opinion on this ?

I’m really in favour of it. Some of them are really creepy and undead looking. Wolfgang could use it.

Since a committee member can self-authorise up to $50 then Mike could go ahead and get a bunch if he thinks its a good idea. However in order to prevent us all from doing it at once it would be better to have a group decision!

I’d be in favour of getting a 10-mask bundle, and if the masks are appropriate for Wolfgang, and mordavia-like games then it would be a good addition to the library? Fantasy-type games seem to be the most popular I think.

Sounds like we’ve got some agreement on this, so I’m happy to make the purchase.

Are there any particular masks that I should ask for ?

I’ve circled the ones I like (and I reckon they’re fairly generic)

By the way, I only just made reserve, if you want to bid above me then go ahead… only issue is that I have eliminated the buy now by bidding to reserve. On the other hand, if you want, if I win, I can ask if the seller will duplicate the winning bid & get 10 for nzlarps for potentially a lower price.
Up to you guys of course.

row 4 picture 1 (skull) and row 1 picture 1 (demon? i think) would probably get some use. Ravenholme has had both animated skeletons and demon summoning rituals.

that’s a seriously good price.