Kitchen Help Needed - Special Offer

Hi everyone,

This year, we’re feeding over 100 people at Chimera, and our lovely chef Kim needs some help in the kitchen. We need two helpers for Sunday (Rounds 5 and 6) and one more for Saturday (Rounds 2 and 3). In exchange for helping two rounds on one of the days, you would be able to attend the other four rounds for no charge, and receive catering for the weekend as well. It you know anyone, such as a student, who might be wanting to attend Chimera but having trouble with the costs, please suggest this as an option. You don’t need to be a cook, you’ll be working under the direction of the lovely Kim.

To register with this option, email us at

Thanks guys, we had huge success with this. Our caterer, Kim, is very stoked to have so many volunteers! We’ll be instating this as a regular thing going forward.