Kapcon XXI: Achaean

This game looks awesome! Alas, Summer Shakespeare is always at the sametime as Kapcon so I highly doubt I can make it :frowning:

Maybe if theres a rerun someday.

I am so there!

Tigger and I have just booked our flights :smiley:

So long as you include a bottomless well into the setting and game, then I’ll be happy :smiling_imp:

That would of course be a larpsafe bottomless well.

That would of course be a larpsafe bottomless well.[/quote]

If there is no bottom then it’s perfectly safe. It’s not the fall that hurts. :wink:

will we get any form of confirmation that our email was received?

We can certainly send out an email to confirm those that have registered interest. I’m pretty sure haven’t received your email though.

We can certainly send out an email to confirm those that have registered interest. I’m pretty sure haven’t received your email though.[/quote]

:frowning: I sent mine out like the hour this was originally posted :frowning:

We can certainly send out an email to confirm those that have registered interest. I’m pretty sure haven’t received your email though.[/quote]

Not sure if you have sent out emails confirming you have received our expression of interest but I havent received anything, just FYI.

We can certainly send out an email to confirm those that have registered interest. I’m pretty sure haven’t received your email though.[/quote]

Not sure if you have sent out emails confirming you have received our expression of interest but I havent received anything, just FYI.[/quote]

An email has been sent back to all of those who registered their interest. If you don’t receive the email and you think you should have please let me know.

An email has been sent back to all of those who registered their interest. If you don’t receive the email and you think you should have please let me know.[/quote]

I like that I got one without sending any email. I guess “I have waited for this game since forever ago” is enough of an expression of interest. :wink:

Letting you know. Have not received an email.

Achaean is filling up fast. We have had 52 registrations in just over three days!

We have allowed for increased numbers this year but if you are looking to play please register sooner rather than later to ensure a spot.

Casting is now underway. People will be receiving an email with two or three different character descriptions to select from that correspond as much as possible to your preferences from the casting questionnaire. We’d ask that you respond as soon as you are able so we can then move on to the next round of casting.

We’ve included three descriptors with the characters; Intrigue; Relationships; and Morality.

Intrigue is our estimate of how much scheming and subterfuge the character should expect to be involved in and is rated low, moderate, or high

Relationships is a measure of how much angst to expect from love, family and friends and is also rated low, moderate, or high.

Morality attempts to gauge the integrity and virtue of the character and is rated black, grey, or white. Please note that the classical background for this game is pretty dark; betrayal, murder, rape, and other horrors are all common features and that’s just the heroes.

If you have any questions about the character options you receive then please let us know. If you don’t receive character options straight away, don’t panic. If you’ve completed the casting questionnaire then you’re on our list but we have a lot of people to get through.

MUPPET FLAIL!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :laughing: :laughing:

when should we worry just curious?

We have 60 people to get through so it’ll take at least a couple of weeks.

totally understandable… I’s just one of those people who like to know timelines and stuff

And I’ll stop checking my email obsessively :blush: