It's not too late for a road trip

Leave the kids with grand parents…
Load up the car with toys, head north and pound on some Aucklanders…

Motu Moana is an excellent site with comfy beds and facilities.

After all, you’ll never again get the chance to go to the FIRST St Wolfgang event.

Just. Do. It.

Old thread, new reply.
LARP is looking a bit grim down here in Hamilton at the moment.
Pending the “Cave module” there is virtually nothing going on.
Are there any Orklanders who want to come invade the Waikato & run some LARP down here., maybe even regularly?
Pref fantasy with foam hacking action.
I’m sure I’m not the only one down here.

I’d be keen :slight_smile:

Maybe I’ll have to try my own hand at game creation… one of these days… then I’ll see about snafu-ing the gear trailer… would people come down then?

It’s a pretty big ask getting people to run a regular game in a different city to where they live. I reckon you’re onto the right idea thinking about running something.

There’s a whole lot of people up here hanging out for immersive well-costumed fantasy with live combat, I think you’d get some folk coming down if it looked like a regular campaign with an interesting setting that they could feel really involved in.

You’re welcome to borrow anything you like from the Mordavia rules, if they’re of any use/interest (probably the main use is that there are a hundred or so Aucklanders who are familiar with them). And especially if you ran a campaign as a society project you’d have no trouble borrowing a trailer load of society gear whenever you ran an event, which would take care of a lot of the costuming.

You could try coming up for games…

Indeed Derek, the thought has crossed my mind more than once.
That was one of the reasons I have asked in the past about games like St.Wolfgangs having shorter duration games from time to time.
Granted that I could turn up for part of events but I really like to see an event through if at all possible, I don’t like missing things once involved.
As for expecting people to come down here to run a game, well thats not that fair but its not really what I meant. I just don’t have the time to run an event myself & Quest aside there really isn’t anything else here of interest to me. So really I’m making an appeal out of desperation to do some more local LARPing.