So I just went to see the eye docs and it turns out I have a slight scratch on one of my eyes. It has been bugging me since Teonn.
Unsurprisingly it was the eye I was hit in during combat… twice.
I know its not really my place to ask this kind of thing - but can I at least get an explanation as to why a spear (traditionally used to stab people) is part of the nz larps gear? This is what hit me in the eye and to say that any weapon is larp safe to stab with is asking alot. Even my very expensive sword is not deemed safe to stab with and not only does it have a kevlar coating over the carbon fibre core but there is a good 4 to 6’’ of foam at the tip after the core stops.
A note that is made by alot of gm’s at the start of any game is that it is not safe to stab with a larp weapon. Somthing I completly agree with.
Anyway - Can I please get a reply on this?
Perhaps make it into a staff instead?