IT work for the committee

Hey committee folks,

With the IT Officer position vacant, there are a few transitional questions around IT support.

I’ve been the Diatribe administrator for a while, and would be happy to hand that role onto a new admin appointed by the committee. I’m also happy to continuing with it if that’s the committee’s preference, but I don’t have any burning desire to. The role mostly involves setting up/moving/editing forums and usergroups, deleting spam accounts, and doing phpBB version updates. Note that Derek Tomes also holds a position appointed by the National Committee as “sheriff” of Diatribe, and also has admin access in order to perform that role. addresses and have them received somewhere else, if the new Diatribe admin was not a committee member.

In terms of development work on the NZLARPS database, I would like to have the opportunity to continue doing this. There are always improvements that could be made, and I still have some ideas I’d like to achieve with it. I could retain access to this “Website maintenance” forum so that committee members can ask for stuff and I could report what I’ve done, which is how things worked before the IT Officer role was created.

In terms of general editing of the NZLARPS website (updating text, keeping the larp guide up to date, etc), I’m happy to do that (and respond to requests for changes in this forum) or to hand it over to someone who can edit HTML and use FTP.

Let me know what the committee would prefer.



In the absence of anyone else volunteering, I’d be willing to administrate the Diatribe forums. I already adminstrate my own forums which are also running on phpBB so I’m familiar with users/usergroups/forum setup type stuff (and well and truly familiar with deleting spam accounts).

However, I don’t have huge amounts of spare time, and I’m a long way (geographically) from the rest of the committee. I anticipate that I’ll be able to handle the added work, but if anyone else wants to do it, I’m more than happy for them to take this on.
