Immersion - June 07

The next issue of Immersion Magazine is scheduled to be released in the first week of June.

We always welcome articles pertaining to larp and the larp life, as well as art and illustrations relating to larp. Anyone is welcome to submit content. Please ensure you are able to have your draft submitted by May 21st latest.

Game Organisers
If you have a game scheduled to run after the 10th June, please contact us with the details, we’d like to print it in our calender.

In addition, if game organisers or affiliates would like to have larp related advertising materials sent out with Immersion - fliers, rulebooks, business cards - contact us to arrange this.

To contact Immersion, email us at or PM me on the forums.

Hi all,
Any game reports or suchlike that I write here is pretty much free game for Immersion, as long as my name is beside it or some such.
I am happy to contribute however I can so feel free to ask.


Attention Game Organisers
The next issue of Immersion will be published in about three weeks. Please PM me if you have an event you’d like to promote! If you’d like to include fliers or rulebooks in the Immersion mailshot, please also PM me to arrange this.

Immersion June
I bet you’ve all forgotten this exists! Well, after a number of unforseen and irritating hurdles, it’s almost in your mailbox. Keep an eye out for it!

The ones that are being posted have been posted, so keep an eye out for them. If you do not receive it by next Thursday, PM me.

Those that are being delivered are being delivered tomorrow.

Looks great. Like all the extra content, it’s a real sit-down read.

And thanks to Tigger for the cool illustrations for my article.

once again an awesome job anna