I’m thinking of making/getting a few more bags for larps and wondering how others solve this problem.
So far the belt pouchs seem to rule in fantasy larps, but on the negative side when you have a lot of them and put lotsa stuff inside, they are heavy and press on your waist, plus when you run they bounce heavily with every step.
Bags to carry in hands are handy but they have your hands occupied. Bags on the shoulder should probably be made in a more convenient way than my baby sling in StW, as my shoulders hurted severely after the game. Little handbags that can hang on your wrist are nice in Victorian and 20th century larps (I used one in Flight of Hindenburg and was absolutely charmed) but they need appropriate circumstances, I guess.
Do people use pockets much? Or any other ways? I dunno if anyone carries a knife in the boot, doesn’t seem easy with larp-safe knives , but I really wonder how you guys solve this luggage storage problem.