Gangster larp

Following all the Hindenburg madness… oops, I mean - enthusiasm :blush: , is anybody planning to run a gangster larp? Just wondering , as I’d be keen to play. Obviously it doesn’t mean a game with only gangsters involved, there can be lotsa people there doing their jobs - politicians, FBI, businessmen, reporters…
gone to google to investigate the topic

I have thought about it, and I even have a couple of ideas, but as of yet they have not yet happened. we shall see.


As i mentioned in another thread I too am working on something :slight_smile:

Surely there must be a lot of pre written theater form larps ready to be played? :slight_smile:

…Off to google for some

I think I’ve made my opinion on this matter abundantly clear in the Hindenburg threads :smiley:

I could get in contact with daniell and revive the first america’s 1930’s larp…not alot of people around have played in it or its sequel and the sequel is based of what the characters did in the first game so will have no relivence