Game Spaces Left

Round 1
First Night: 1 male, 4 either
KiL Quest III: 4 either
Silver Kiss: 4 either

Round 2
32AR: 1 female, 2 either
The Queen’s Justice: 3 female, 9 either
Defence of Allenburg: Unlimited

Round 3
Galaxia 20: 1 either
Tournament of Champions: Unlimited
Sacred Lands: 9 spaces

Round 4
Happily Ever After: 20 spaces

Round 5
Alamo: 2 female spaces
Quick Bright Things: 3 male, 2 either
Sabretooth: 6 spaces

Round 6
Carry on at Camp David: 1 male, 1 female, 2 either
Great Train Robbery: 3 spaces
Hunger Games: 4 female spaces
Welcome to Sunny Valley: 1 male, 2 either

Missed The Working Quarter which has spaces left too. 1 Male and 6 Female I believe.

[quote=“Anna K”]
The Queen’s Justice: 3 female, 9 either[/quote]

my ‘confirmations’ says “Round 2: To Be Established”,
can i take one of these spaces?
or is “To Be Established” code for something else?

Its code for “There’s an issue with your selections, I need to email you” bit I ran out of time. Sure thing, you’re in Queen’s Justice :slight_smile:

The spaces left for my game are slightly different than mentioned above, due to my sprinkling either-gender characters throughout my casting order.

The Queen’s Justice: 4 female, 3 male, 5 either

That’s taking account of Zanni’s inclusion. It’ll run well with the 17 it has (it’s written for a minimum of 16 and a max of 29), but around 20 would be great.

Kill Quest III can have more players than previously noted, a minimum of 4 PC’s, also 6 and upward for crew. The more the merrier! :mrgreen:

Round 1
First Night: 1 male, 4 either
KiL Quest III: 6 either
Silver Kiss: 2 either

Round 2
32AR: 1 female, 2 either
The Queen’s Justice: 4 female, 2 male, 5 either
Defence of Allenburg: Unlimited

Round 3
Tournament of Champions: Unlimited
Sacred Lands: 6 spaces

Round 4
Happily Ever After: 17 spaces

Round 5
Alamo: 2 female spaces
Sabretooth: 5 spaces

Round 6
Carry on at Camp David: 1 male, 1 female, 2 either
Great Train Robbery: 1 space
Hunger Games: 2 female spaces
Welcome to Sunny Valley: 1 space
Working Quarter: 1 male, 6 female spaces

Round 1
First Night: 4 either
KiL Quest III: 3 either
Silver Kiss: 2 either

Round 2
32AR: 1 either
The Queen’s Justice: 4 female, 2 male, 5 either
Defence of Allenburg: Unlimited

Round 3
Tournament of Champions: Unlimited

Round 4
Happily Ever After: 10 spaces

Round 5
Alamo: 2 female spaces
Sabretooth: 4 spaces

Round 6
Carry on at Camp David: 1 male, 1 female, 2 either
Hunger Games: 2 female spaces
Working Quarter: 4 female spaces

For the Working Quarter, I’m happy to make those characters Male or Female.

I’m free for any game that needs players and happy to help out around the camp where needed :slight_smile:
Anna Northey

Awesome! Send in a Lucky Dip registration and I’ll place you where there’s most need :slight_smile:

Quick note that Steampunk Alive is present full :slight_smile:

First Night - 3 either
KiL Quest - 3 either
Silver Kiss - 2 NPCs of either gender

Defence of Allenburg - unlimited
The Queen’s Justice - 8 of mixed genders

Aunt Beatrice - 1 male
Galaxia 20 - 2 female
Tournament of Champions - unlimited

Alamo - 1 female
Quick Bright Things - 2 either
Sabretooth - 2 either

Pestilence and Petri Dishes - 1 male
Working Quarter - 5 female
Carry on at Camp David - 3 of mixed genders
Hunger Games - 1 female

Working Quarter is 2 Male/3 Female

First Night - 1 either
KiL Quest - 3 either
Silver Kiss - 2 NPCs of either gender

Defence of Allenburg - unlimited
The Queen’s Justice - 8 of mixed genders

Galaxia 20 - 2 female
Tournament of Champions - unlimited

Alamo - 1 female
Quick Bright Things - 1 either
Sabretooth - 2 either

Pestilence and Petri Dishes - 1 male
Working Quarter - 2 male, 2 female
Carry on at Camp David - 2 of mixed genders
The Hunger Games - 1 female

Matt Boniface has just informed me he will not be making Sacred Lands. I can substitute from my current list but now have 1 space either way. Character is adaptable to female/male.

[size=200]ROCK ON! Sign up… [/size]

Does this mean there is a band t-shirt?

this is what happens when someone sends me my character after i have done all my homework and i cannot sleep.

yes, it’s going on a shirt. =p

Friday Night
First Night - 1 either
KiL Quest - 2 either
Silver Kiss - 2 NPCs of either gender
The Governor’s Dinner Party - 1 male

Saturday Morning
Quest to the Forest of Darkness - unlimited

Saturday Afternoon
Galaxia 20 - 2 female
Tournament of Champions - unlimited

Sunday Morning
Alamo - 1 female
Heart of Darkness - 1 male
Quick Bright Things - 1 either
Sabretooth - 2 either

Sunday Afternoon
Working Quarter - 2 male, 2 female
Carry on at Camp David - 2 of mixed genders
The Hunger Games - 1 female