Game Confirmations and Registration Details

Game Confirmations
Everyone who registered during Hungry Shark Week should have received their game confirmations by email tonight. As usual, there were some games that were significantly oversubscribed, and so a number of people missed out on playing this time. We made sure that no one, however, had more than one second choice game!

Bad Dreams: Electric Sheep, Evil Overlord Society Inc, Monsters versus Monsters, Run the Heart, Bombini Bombus, Struck to the Quick, The Phoenix Project, Bilgerats and Buccaneers, Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow, Slash, A Night at the Museum and No Quarter are now all full

Registration Detail Confirmation
You will have received a second email, confirming your registration details. If the details are correct, you don’t need to do anything. If you have changed your mind about something or if you have any additional details to provide on allergies, or any medical conditions that may come up on the weekend, please enter your changes in the following form: … Y/viewform

Please do provide us with enough details so we know how to respond to a situation should it arise. Similarly, please make sure you have provided enough information on your emergency contact that we are able to reach them, in the event that a true emergency situation occurs and you are in a state unable to communicate with us. These details are on hand so that should ‘the worst case’ arise, we are able to do everything we can to make sure you are looked after.

Code of Conduct
Chimera runs as part of the New Zealand Live Action Roleplaying Society, and as such, attendees will need to abide by its Code of Conduct. It is a simple set of commonsense guidelines that can be viewed here:

Game Masters
You should have access to the Chimera 2013 Game Masters forum. If you don’t, please PM me and I will get Ryan to fix the permissions :slight_smile: In the mean time, I will PM you the address of the forum :slight_smile:

Any questions, let me know via