Final Happily Ever After workshop - Sunday 19th August

Our last chance to make and paint all the things.

We are looking for more volunteers to help cut and paint set features so that we can make the scout halls look as close to an enchanted and semi ruined castle in the forest as possible for the flagship larp - Happily Ever After.

We need all the helpers we can get so try to make it along to part 3, Sunday 19th August at 12:00 which is our last chance to get things done before the big day.

Text Anna N on 0211426606 for her address in Birkenhead or you can PM me too.

If you have spare paint or craft supplies, or anything else that could be used for set dressing for a ruined forest castle then leave a message.

Anna has stressed her brain over this and always stresses that no one will show up, so pretty please come!

I should have the backdrops done by this Friday morning. 8)

And they are done. :mrgreen:

I’ll probably be there with lots of plywood for the big props :slight_smile:

Like a boss.

Does anyone have any chicken wire we can get hold of? We don’t need a lot. Just 2 pieces really.