Event wanted for August 2019

As I’ve mentioned in the upcoming larps list for the last few months, we have a hole in our calendar in August, with no larp running in Wellington that month. So, if you’d like to run something, this is a good opportunity. Does anyone want to step up?

If you’re wondering about clashes, here’s what’s on the event planning calendar ATM:

August 3
August 10 - [AKL] Saga 4
August 17
August 24 - [CHC] Phoenix 2019
August 31

(There are events running on July 20 and early September, so you don’t really have to worry about spacing either).

The ideal timeline for a game varies with what sort of game it is. But for a theatreform, I like to announce a couple of months out, cast one month out, and give people character sheets a week or two beforehand. This timeline can be abbreviated if characters or costume are simple, or the game is small or will fill quickly.

If you’d like to run an event as an NZLARPS project, then you should allow at least a week for approval following submission of your budget.