Consequence Game 3 Postponed to May 6th-8th 2022

Howdy All!

We understand lots of folks are still excited for Cowboy Times, and we don’t want to leave you in the dark. Game 3 (Thunderstruck) is being postponed to the slot that was reserved for Game 4, that being May 6-8th 2022.

The event will be abiding by the government’s advice regarding vaccinations as it is current at the time, so be sure to get vaccinated at your earliest convenience so that you are able to attend.

Whether we return to running the intended 5 games or stick to 4 has yet to be determined, but we’ll let you know as soon as that decision has been made along with the associated date(s).

Thanks as always for your patience and understanding,

The Consequence GM Team

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What will the game date be? May 1870, ~6 months after game 2?