Consequence December Update - Social Event Conventions & Secret Classes Rollout

Howdy folks!
Just letting y’all know that we haven’t forgotten about you, and giving you a few updates regarding the Social Event and the rollout of Secret Classes.

Social Event Conventions - The social event, now titled “The Good, the Bad and the Hungry,” will be a mechanics-free zone. That means there will be no combat, no calls, and no need for your character build. Just come along and hang out! It is intended to be a good opportunity to reflect on the events of previous games, discuss theories about the future, and deepen character relationships without the looming spectre of Plot as a distraction. Part of the event will involve being able to prepare and cook your own food, either in or out of character. Tickets will be made available in the new year.

Spending Game 2 XP - Due to the conventions outlined above, we’re clarifying at what point your XP spend “kicks in”. Because the social event will be mechanics-free, you’ll gain your class features from your Game 2 XP spend just before Game 3. We’re back on the real-world timeline now, so you’ll essentially spend the 6 months between the main games practising, studying or researching your chosen Classes or Secret Classes.

Secret Classes - Speaking of Secret Classes, I know a lot of you are really keen to know what we have in store for you. We’re working on making the documents pretty at the moment, and will have them ready for you in the new year. We’ll be sending Secret Class information to those who have let us know which ones they found out about in our Feedback Survey (,) so if you haven’t filled that out yet please do, or we won’t know to send you the info!


The Review will be there to report on any bake-offs.