Consequence cookoff highlights

Well that was great fun. Apart from the food (where I made sure to sample almost every entered dish), it was also an opportunity for some low-key roleplaying, rather than the usual “argh! We’re under attack!” of a normal weekend.

Thanks to Dr Stephenson (I think it was) for the conversation on how I ended up in Consequence, Dr Carver for the unplanned dream-sharing and conversation afterwards, Dr van der Laar (I assume) for the memories, Miss Bonaparte for the explanations about trans-rift philology, Mr Fenwick for the Plan, and everyone who responded while I was taking notes. There will be at least an Extra edition in the next few days (and maybe a full edition if I can wrangle it - I took a lot of notes).


It was Dr Stevenson, and I really enjoyed having the ability to talk to Mr Durham (sp?) and learn more about him, and it’s really a good and emotive story to hear. He’s a fun character to talk to, and the note taking is just kinda embodying that person.

As Stevenson I had a great night in my vest and coat, talking with people who I didn’t often get the time and space to talk to, especially other Vanguard. Also, persuing personal plot / interactions was great, and following up on the things learned in game two with other characters and making plans for future games.

It was really interesting just having the ability to observe other characters too, and learn more about them because being larpers, we all have secrets we’re just itching to tell. Even with no plot and no mechanics it felt very authentic and people just sunk into characters easily.


Yup, that’s how you spell him. I’ve got his card. :smiley:

Its also on the masthead.

Speaking of which: after writing up everything last night, I’m just 750 words short of a full edition. Which I’m fairly certain I can fill (an opinion piece, maybe a photo, and filler if necessary). There will be a newspaper!


I am really curious now. I am sure enough interesting stuff happened that someone is bound to share :slight_smile:


Do you have photos of the other art works at all? They came up in discussion re: The Riftside Philology paper.

I’ll take a look.

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Only images A and C. I managed to not get a photo of image B. I’ll email you the B&W versions.