The problem with running a newspaper is that I actively avoid (dangerous) plot in favour of asking people about it afterwards. But here’s a stab at stuff I particularly enjoyed:
- Having someone (naming no names) wander past my office on Friday night for a chat and infodump about the miners, which gave me stuff to ask questions about later (and helped shape my perceptions of the story).
- @Walter and @Zari. The former wrote stories, for which he was criminally underpaid, and gave a different perspective on stuff I was writing which helped me work out how to say things. The latter was a constant source of news tips. I couldn’t have produced the Review without you (well, I could have - but it would have been much worse, or I would have had to wait for Stateside news to fill the space). Now that I’ve had a whole weekend of economics of the newspaper, I need to work out a better pay scale for contributors.
- The Friday night attack. I hid, of course, and took notes. But it felt scary, and confused, and dangerous, and I hope that’s what the GMs were going for.
- The whole medical profiteering / healthcare thing. First I have people complaining about outrageous charging of the injured, making highly newsworthy threats, and then I got to witness a solution just hours later (and throw out all the copy I’d just written). I think this plotline was entirely player driven, and a lot of fun to watch it boil over.
- being able to out-ODT the ODT with the Parade Ground Duck story. I expect the exploits of the duck will be a regular feature of the Review in future. (For those who don’t know, the Otago Daily Times still subscribes to the local newspaper ethic that nothing remarkable should go unremarked, and hence is infamous for publishing stories about lost dogs and so on).
- The sad demise of Jefferson the parrot. This (and several other events on Saturday night) I think have helped crystalise part of Mr Durham’s character. (There may be a story on this in the post-game edition).
- Having @joker see that one of his rivals was advertising, and say “I want a bigger one”! The Review is happy to oblige :).
- Interviewing, um, the tall handsome man in a dusty black coat with a red right hand, asking the obvious question, and getting a “well yes, I am”. Also a “Fuck Georgia” when I asked about his accent. An excellent performance from @Dragnew.
I had a great time, and I really appreciate the hard work the GMs and crew put into it. And the hard work the players did in not shooting me or telling me to go away when I stood there with a pad and pen in hand, asking stupid or irritating questions.