Cloak ties. Seems like an unimportant thing to think of but when your running along and someone stand on your cloak suddenly it’s important.
You can go with a simple broach clasp, easy to make but not very forgiving.
Button and loop. Slightly harder but still even inept people should be able to do it in a few mins sucessfully, much more forgiving if someone stands on it.
Back tie: This is something that Eamon showed me many many years ago. basically get a long (6’or more) stipid of wide cotton or cloak coloured ribbon, and have it folded over and solidly sewen across to back of the neck of the claok on the inside. This should be the top of the cloak or the seam where the cloak and hood join, thus if added at the same time can be added almost seamlessly. Most cloaks should have about 2’-2’6" of ribbon spare on each shoulder. This allows you to tie it over your shoulders, under your arm pits and finally behind your back in a big bow. It’s tidy, doesn’t hang or catch on clothing and if you or anyone else stands on it you don’t get choaked or a ripped cloak.
I got chauntelle to make me one with the latter design for $140 a long time ago and it’s great. It’s also a full half circle of a lightweight Cotton / rayon mix material so billow’s lovely aswell. The reason why Eamon used this design (Possably Anna Cruse’s idea) was to have a showey, full length cloak you can fight in without fear of stangleing yourself when you step back.