We’re really excited to announce that the Chimera 2015 website is up! Thank you to Judit Klein for the nifty graphics work again this year. We have two amazing flagships - “Al-Shir Ma”, the 1001 Nights themed game for 66 people from Kapcon 2011 written by Ellen Boucher, Dale Elvy and Sophie Melchior; and “In the Halls of the Erlking” a brand new dark faerie tale for 45 people by Dave Agnew, Martin Clyde, Sarah Daymond and Philippa McLoughlin. In addition to that, we have 16 brand new/never-run-in-NZ games, 6 games which are having their first Auckland run, and 3 popular previously run games. Hungry Shark Week opens 7pm on May 18th 2015, so start whetting your appetites now