32 days to go until Chimera 2014!
Chimera accommodation emails have gone out to everyone that’s requested to stay on site this year, and everyone has until July 27th to fill in the form with their roommate requests. The GMs have been asked to send out casting for their games by July 20th, so expect to hear from a lot of games about casting this week.
GMs, the gear requests are being taken now, all instructions are backstage
Gareth H has had a fantastic overseas opportunity for work, and has regrettably had to pull out of Chimera, including his Saturday morning game, the Marques of Galatone. We wish him all the best! If anyone who isn’t already GMing a game would like to work with us to put on an alternative game for the players in that time slot, please get in touch.
Lastly, we have a number of spaces still to fill. Please invite your friends to Chimera, or if you’re already attending, think about picking up a few extra games
Friday Night - 22 spaces
Saturday Morning - 11 spaces
Saturday Afternoon - 7 spaces plus unlimited in the Tourney
Saturday Night - 27 spaces
Sunday Morning - 10 spaces plus unlimited in Combat Zone
Sunday Afternoon - 18 spaces.