Hi everyone,
Hungry Shark Week registrations have been processed, and everyone who registered should have received an email confirmation of their games. We still have some fantastic games available and seeking players - so if you haven’t signed up already, please think about coming along. If you HAVE signed up, recommend us to your friends
Friday Night
The Moor-stepper on Lloegyr - 4 spaces
Super Villains of 1929 - 1 space (male)
Taboo - 1 space
Saturday Morning
Multiverse: Unravelling the Skein of Fate - 5 spaces
Betrothals and Betrayals - 1 space (female)
Sunset in the Silver City - 1 space
Saturday Afternoon
Amnesia - 2 spaces
Boats Against the Current - 1 space
The Tournament of Champions - unlimited
Saturday Night
Dry Spell - 5 spaces
Party at the Paragon Institute - 2 spaces
Sunday Morning
Combat Zone - unlimited
The Salem Witch Trials - 7 spaces
Sunday Afternoon
The Seven Deadly Virtues - 5 spaces
The Soap and the Opera - 9 spaces