Caveman gear

Anyone planning to play Og in January?

Well, you’ll need a costume, and a club. And probably some rocks to chuck.

I’ve bought a bunch of old tennis balls from trademe, which can be wrapped in grey-sprayed foam to represent Small Rocks. I’m not going to make any Big Rocks (football in foam) but any ‘Strong cavemen’ will probably want a couple.

Anyone have a good plan for making some clubs? Normal shortsword length, unless you’re going to be a ‘Strong Caveman’ in which case you can have a two-handed longsword length.

I have a cleaned coconut - you can get them for $1.80 from the supermarket - and cut in half with a saw. Now I can tie string to it to make a helmet. I’m not going to hold out much hope of cute cavewomen in coconut lingerie, though.

Anyone got a plan for a caveman outfit? Skins, furs, leaves, or sticks.

We should have a costume-making day, maybe… hopefully, the LARPS Gear librarian will want to sort something out?