Walter and I have decided to take point on running a regular fantasy ‘Larp in the Park’, based on a discussion that’s been going round a number of people for a little while.
The idea is to have a regular day or evening game (perhaps monthly or bi-monthly) with very low overhead cost (using public venues and only NZLARPS gear etc.), with the story of each game written by a different GM with the others giving support. Generic fantasy, aimed as a cheap and easy way of getting your regular Larp fix. Rules and world to be co-developed, aiming to allow someone to read the rules and simultaneously make a character in a couple of pages. Profits would be donated towards the NZLARPS gear.
We are looking for a team of about 3-4 more people to meet fortnightly, most likely Monday or a Friday (based on our current schedules). Enthusiasm and commitment are the key things that we are after, you don’t necessarily have to have experience GMing.
Please contact me via PM if interested.