Thank you so much to all the people who helped today. For a while there it looked like it would be just myself and Muppet, but thankfully our flat mates Nathan and Fraser came to our rescue as well as Norman and Chantelle who joined us after they heard our story at the birthday lunch today. The only person in Auckland who showed up from Muppet’s call for help was James. And Thank you to Ben who loaned us his car to tow the traylor.
I am sorry if this post sounds a little bitter but I find that it is always the same people who turn up and help at these things. This has to change. NZLARPS was formed out of an incident that happened when Ryan Paddy was forced to clean Motu Moana late into the night by himself after a game and was so worn out he said people needed to help him with the logistics of the game or he would stop running Mordavia (which was the major Lara campaign running at the time). Since then larpers got really good at helping out and taking responsibility for themselves. I feel that has been lost somehow along the way and the culture has changed where many people assume larps just happen.
NZLARPS is a community run by volunteers but if it is always the same people who volunteer eventually they will burn out and there will be no more larps. So I guess this is a general plea, please next time there is an opportunity to help out and you haven’t really helped out before, please put your hand up.