SAGA is looking for two flagship larps for next year: One for Buckets of Dice (June 4-6, SAGA’s main roleplaying / board game con) and Phoenix (August 27-29, Christchurch’s annual larp con). The games need to be able to handle at least 30 people (in previous years they’ve usually been somewhere between 30 and 40 players, although it might be wise if the game can run with fewer in case we see a dip in numbers due to pandemic concerns) and run about 3-4 hours, including briefing.
If you have something you want to suggest or submit, please contact us at the relevant email address below. If you can GM but don’t have a game prepared, or have a game you think would suit but can’t run it yourself, we’d still be happy to hear from you, as we may be able to find the other half of the equation.
Buckets of Dice: