Break Room 3 - Review Copy

So, while I’ve been wait for the Yuletide reveals to happen, I’ve been doing tidy up for the write up of Break Room 3: Basilisk Green I’ve been meaning to do for a while.

Would you guys like to have a look?

It’s still missing artwork, and I’m tidying up a bit of stuff around the playtesters, but I’m really interested to know what people think about readability, does it include everything it needs to, and did I get everyone’s details right in the credits. Cat says that Alexcia Voudouris was an on the day sign up in 2015, so didn’t give pre-emptive permission to be listed and I don’t have her email. Alexcia, if you’re reading this, can you let me know if you want your name corrected or removed?

Merry Christmas, and to all a good night!


And in an unprecendented surge of productivity, this game is published!

I sent out some complimentary copies to the game’s playtesters via a DriveThruRPG mailout but at least one problem didn’t get the download link correctly in his email for some reason. Let me know if you have any problems and I’ll send you the direct link.

Best, and thanks to everyone who’s been involved,


