Auckland Committee Meeting Minutes July 9th 2014

NZLARPS Auckland committee meeting 9/07/2014
Attending: Dave Luxton, Hannah Jackson, Prema Cottingham (Minutes), Anna Klein, Dave Agnew, Patrick Cummunskey, Kerry Pellet, Gene Rugg, Walter Hamer, Mike Curtis
Apologies: Clare Stones, James Cooper


Acceptance of previous meeting minutes: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=9843
Moved: Prema
2nd: Mike

Committee vacancy – Marketing
Remains vacant.
We would like to thank Ryan Paddy for taking on part of the Auckland role, especially for Chimera.

Matters arising/discussed/resolved online
Incoming Emails
NZLARPS has received a request under the privacy act from Adam P. The National Committee is dealing with it, present and past members have been asked to provide information. This is mainly being handled by the National Secretary.
Mike got a request from Anna Cruse to borrow some costumes – Mike accepted.

Dis-establishing Crucible Project
James has been going through the spreadsheets and accounts, to transfer payments for the last day game, upcoming day games and the upcoming Weekend game to the Crucible GM team.
The NZLARPs Committee has received about 35 responses out of 50 people. One person requested more information which we forwarded onto the Crucible GM team. There are a few responses that don’t match so we need to double check those.
Patrick – there are also probably some people who haven’t paid for the first games.
There is going to be a period of tying up the loose ends.
Crucible haven’t collected phone numbers of attendees.

The funds from the Chapter 1 weekend game and day games were under the NZLARPs project. As these events have already passed and actuals have been received, the NZLARPs committee cannot transfer the funds to the Crucible GMs. This is because this would be illegal, as an incorporated society we aren’t able to give any profit to members.

The Crucible team is happy for the society to keep the funds of the first chapter. Crucible will keep the gear from these games, for gear the society has not paid for yet. NZLARPs will keep the funds from Crucible chapter 1.

Prema – we just want to ensure that we have the gear that we have already transferred the money for.
What we have paid for:

  • The gear we paid Linda for: Monk costume, Fabric paint and various bits.
  • Anna has provided us with a $60 receipt for additional gear.

Jon Ball and James will need to provide us with the final actuals for Crucible Chapter 1. Any outstanding payments from these games will be paid to the NZLARPs Committee. Hopefully this will be done in the next couple of weeks.

Action point: James to sort out financials.
Action point: Mike to liase with Linda about any gear that she was responsible for, that has not been passed to the NZLARPs committee.

The bank account number has been changed, but there may be a few payments still going through to the old account.

Marketing - there was some posters that were sorted out for O week this year. We don’t what happened to them, but they were specific to Tempests Wake.
Daena has some marketing stuff.

Affliation Agreement

The following terms for affiliation were drafted by the NZLARPs committee.
They are from the part of the affiliation form that specifies how both parties benefit from the arrangement.

It was asked how they would check NZLARPs membership. Any member can log in and see a list of all verified members.

Gear Policy:
A gear policy was discussed online and drafted by the committee, for discussion at this meeting. One of the things discussed online was whether consumables would be used.

Patrick – Consumables won’t be needed.

Mike tabled the Gear policy for the Committee to vote on.
Patrick – We plan on running lots of day games, so the price might be a bit high for that.

The affiliation agreement has been structured so the payment levels for gear can be changed if required. The access to the new storage place is 8am-10pm.

The Crucible team agrees to the gear policy.

Discussion around the upcoming daygame, and what the charges would be. The charges would be at the rate as set out in the policy.

The numbers were set from a lot of research into past pricing, by Nikki, Philip and Anna.
The Wellington committee has been in touch with Crucible about the Wellington day game, and will be charging for gear for the Sachenheim day game in June.
We agree that in the affiliate agreement between NZLARPS and The Crucible Chronicle, the gear will be borrowed at prices as stated in the gear policy.

Hannah moved that we accept the Crucible Chronicle as an Affiliate.
2nd: Prema
Motion carried unanimously.
Action point – Mike to forward a copy of the gear policy to Crucible.

Review of Action Points from previous meetings

  •  Prema to post in public part of Diatribe, to ask for mentor volunteers

Done, but no one replied. Anna however said that she would be interested.

  • Mike to follow up gear from Crucible: Done.
  • Mike to follow up regarding new gear from Crucible: None to follow up.
  • Mike to follow up Nikki regarding gear handover: Done, there wasn’t anything to hand over. Need to double check as to whether any keys need to be handed over.
  • Nikki has a copy of the gear insurance policy.
    The trailer needs registration and warrant, as it will be needed for the gear move.

Finance report (From James) – not here

Gear report (from Mike)
Busy month in gear portfolio

  • gear storage moving – 2nd August.

The proposed place for gear storage is at Onehunga Storage Solutions. The cost is approx. $3000/year, which is $250 a month. It’s 35 cubic metres. The only disadvantage is that we won’t be able to do gear rationalizations on site. For the location and price it’s good.

Mike moved that we accept to hire Onehunga Storage Solutions to store our gear.
2nd: Prema
Motion carried unanimously.

Jordan is still the gear officer for Crucible.
Mike has put a proposal online for some wood for shelves. Made of 3 slats of 4x2.
Before loading the gear into the location, the boxes should be sorted, and all costumes numbered.
The budget proposed for the shelving is $760, the personal price from Rob for $397, but we might have to pay a bit more through him. Hannah suggested that we ask for untreated wood.

Hannah moves that we authorise Mike to spend up to $770
2nd: Dave L
Accepted unanimously.

We set the date for the Saturday so that we have Sunday if we need it.
If we hire a trailer, Anna suggested we may as well hire a truck instead. She hired one that cost $160 from 9.30am-4.30pm on a Saturday. Jordan found a place that was $360 for the weekend.
Action point: Mike to sort out transport issues for gear moving day.

Marketing Update
Prema – has the Armageddon stall been booked?
Someone did suggest that we go in with Frontier costume, but we pay less because we don’t sell anything.
Anna said typically it’s been a joint effort between the National and Auckland committees. We need someone to spearhead this.
Action point: Prema to talk to Ryan about finding someone to spearhead Armageddon.
Action point: Hannah to follow up Daena and Reuben about the marketing material.

Updating Affiliation Agreements
Dave L – Are there any affiliation agreements that need to be updated?
1001 Nights – Derek is aware that there may be gear costs in future.
Aethercon had sent us an exhibitor pack – in absence of a marketing officer.
America – were curious about our affiliation agreement with them – at some stage we should update it and set up a new agreement.

Discussion had about the NZLARPs website.
Action point: Mike to talk to Ryan about a proposal for updating it.

Upcoming larps / larp events

Chimera 2014 Update - Anna
The attendance numbers are looking a little better but some people have dropped out.
Don’t think it’s in danger financially, but the games have been told not to expect too many more people.
Payments have been slow.
Malcom and Ryan have been doing lots of marketing work, Ryan has been emailing high schools.
The Chimera team this year is mainly Anna, with a few people helping on the day.

Dance of the Dawn

Running later in the year now, so we will be able to advertise it at Armageddon. Discussion had around whether it’s a newbie friendly game.
Daena has sent in a budget.
Mike moves that we accept this as a preliminary budget on the proviso that the venue is at that price.
2nd: Prema
Motion carried unanimously

Larp in the Park

Prema presented proposal to become Project.
Aiming for 4 events in the first year, and then reassess after that.
The costuming requirements are low, and the game is likely to use the gear library.
Hannah proposes to accept Larp in the Park as project
2nd: mike
1 aye, 3 abstentions
Fun was had around the fact that 3 of those on the committee had to abstain because of their involvement.

  • Carnival Costumes Affiliation for NZL membership discounts – Clare to resolve online
  • Other Matters arising
    Discussion was had around engagement and exhaustion in the committee. Social media cited as amplifying problems
    Anna wants to re-run Masquerade on Fleet Street as a project around the 18th of October, looking at using Ferndale house. Planning to charge $20 a head.

Set a date for AGM
Need to give space around Crucible.
8th October is the day we want to have it on.
Do we need to hire a venue? We will advertise a date and see how many people will come, preliminary at Hannah’s house.