Auckland Committee Meeting minutes 17 Sept 2014

[b]NZLARPS Meeting 17/09/2014

Attending: Hannah Jackson, James Cooper, Mike Curtis, Prema Cottingham (minutes), Derek Tomes, Dave Luxton

Apologies: Clare Stones[/b]

Acceptance of previous meeting minutes and the meeting before.
Prema moved they be accepted
Hannah Seconded
Minutes unanimously accepted

Matters arising/discussed/resolved online
Bolt cutters were requested to be borrowed for Linda, however we cannot find them in the gear. They are probably at the bottom of a box, we will need to do a gear rationalisation to find them. We are unsure whether they were at the last Crucible game.

Outstanding crucible gear – they have instead paid us the money for it, which has come through – Resolved

Gear shed – we put it up on Diatribe, but no one wanted it.

Review of Action Points from previous meetings

Crucible payments – Haven’t been able to contact everyone who paid into the NZLARPS account. Mike will communicate with the Crucible team to get the outstanding ones resolved.

Gear policy – was emailed out to all projects by Mike - resolved

Gear storage – James to set up automatic payment.

Trailer rustproofing – Mike to drop off trailer.

We are selling stuff on trade from the gear shed – the main things are the candelabra, the saloon doors, and the fountain – the rest is mostly junk.

Finance report (From James)

Not a lot to report.

We figured out why we were getting some payment for Crucible – the NZLARPs account was listed on the sign up form. It has now been changed so that should be the last of them.

NZLARPs has paid Mike back for the storage.

Chimera payments have been sorted.

The final numbers on Chimera are looking good, with around a $700 profit.
There were lots of new people.

Action point: James to follow up Anna about final actuals for Chimera

Gear report (from Mike)

Trailer repair in hand.

Used discretionary $50 to buy a ladder to live in gear shed permanently.

We should have a day where people can show up to buy left over things in the gear shed if they want.
Suggested date: 18th October 10am.
There was discussion had around whether or not we should put in the Trademe ad that the shed is haunted – might sell for more.

AGM organized for October 15th.

We need to check with Malcolm if he’s setting up an email account – James to contact Malcolm.
Addendum: Malcolm has been in contact with the regional secretaries, we are to set up our own gmail accounts for our regions.

Prema to set up a facebook event for it.

Discussion had around voting methods – the drawback of voting via email is if people stand for multiple positions, then those who distance vote are not able to switch their vote. Discussion was had around ways around this, but any workarounds would most likely make things more complicated for counting on the night.

Derek brought up that he as a member doesn’t know whats going on with NZLARPs, and whether or not the split between Crucible and NZLARPs will mean the end of NZLARPs. It would be best for the community if a working relationship could be cultivated.

Derek is also curious that with the things being made for Crucible, that they are going into Patrick’s ownership, (not a society), so what will happen to those assets at the end of the campaign? And will NZLARPs have gear/resources to help another big game at the end of Crucible? At this stage the NZLARPs committee doesn’t have the answer to those questions.

Larp in the Park

Marketing material – need to make up a poster up before library con, will do a photoshoot.

Prema tabled the budget
Hannah moves that the budget be accepted
James seconded
Motion carried, 2 yes, 3 abstensions

We will try and do a photoshoot before Armageddon.

Progress on the Armageddon stall is going well. Ryan is organizing the Armageddon stall for Auckland. He currently has 10 volunteers for the stand.

Dance of the Dawn

Haven’t received any updated info from Daena.
Addendum: Clare has been in communication with Daena, but we are having trouble finding a suitable venue in November / early December. The game may have to be delayed. Need a venue that can accommodate 16 people, with some seating and enough space to dance.

Meeting closed 9.20pm.