As we Waltzed

All Character sheets have been sent out as of early this morning so if you are missing yours please get in contact with me asap so i can resend if necessary


Big thanks to everyone who played in this on Sunday afternoon you were all great, if you can PM me with feedback about your characters or issues you had so i can try to fix them for another run i would appreciate it


[quote=“daena”]Big thanks to everyone who played in this on Sunday afternoon you were all great, if you can PM me with feedback about your characters or issues you had so i can try to fix them for another run i would appreciate it


I sent you a massive email about this. Pretty much just about how to make a better stronger villain for a social manipulation game. All lessons I have now learned from playing one so thanks for giving me the role even if I didn’t really pose much of a threat to those trying to overthrow me. I still had fun.

It was great Daena. I really enjoyed Onyx. Really enjoyed wooing Jet with sarcasm and mockery, loved the dancing, the costumes, the atmosphere and the intrigue. Playing a Master of Secrets suits me down to the ground apparently!