I will be running a series of armouring workshops at my home on Saturdays starting some time in the new year. I will be focusing on teaching people how to make articulated plate armour, brigindine, hardened leather and helmets suitable for SCA combat.
This armour is also suitable for larping, especially when made from lighter materials (like 0.8mm stainless).
I haven’t decided when these workshops will be starting yet, probably late January or early February.
I’m not interested in training people who just want to make themself some armour. I want to train people who are interested in building lots of armour as a hobby. Three or four lessons will probably be enough that you can see which tools you will want to invest in and learn how to use them. I have patterns which, for the most part, I am happy to let people copy for their own use. When I first started armouring, I spent thousands of dollars on tools I didn’t need and I can help people avoid that trap.
So, if you have ever thought “I want to make armour for a hobby” then let me know and I’ll let you know when the workshops will be.