I’m playing my annual game of “Guess How Many People Are Coming To Chimera This Year!”
(2008 vs 2009 vs 2010 vs 2011)
Friday Night: 33 vs 55 vs 77 vs 111
Saturday Morning: 43 vs 53 vs 83 vs 109
Saturday Afternoon: 39 vs 45 vs 71 vs 104
Saturday Night: 69 vs 81 vs 95 vs 115
Sunday Morning: 35 vs 41 vs 66 vs 104
Sunday Afternoon: 35 vs 46 vs 70 vs 100
On the one hand, there are a lot of new people in the community. On the other hand, we might start seeing a drop off in the old hands as they decide to skip a year/move onto other interests/go overseas. What does the community reckon? Is Chimera still something that attracts a lot of new people, or has it reached a plateau point?