Advice on live-combat

I like the way you think.

Every game should have some sort of briefing where new players in particular are shown what is acceptable and what isn’t. Maybe something for all GMs to put on their priority lists.

Actually a monthly weapons practice is something I have considered for a long time. I just have naff all players in Hamilton. But in Orkland, you have lots!
Doesn’t need much organisation past be here at so and so time. People come or they don’t.
Would go a long way, plus its fun!
Live combat is one of the main attractions of larp for me, so having a regular bash is awesome.

This is the sticking point for me. When someone starts to larp, they don’t require, or often get, any training in weapons fighting, or taught how to pull shots.[/quote]

I was lucky, being that I was on time to my first LARP game… Role Models didn’t portray the “Larps never start on time” thing… ha ha… and so I did get taught the basics; combat rules, how to pull shots, what is and isn’t cool, and then had a chance to put it in action one on one, and get over the initial sort of “I feel kinda silly/I don’t want to hurt you/omg I’ve got no chance” thing. And that was good. So show up on time newbies :wink: lol

A larp weapons practice would be cool. mumbles at Hamilton’s lack of players they obviously don’t know what they’re missing!

perhaps that would help raise numbers/more interest? :laughing:

Alrighty then. Give me a couple of weeks (and then a couple more) or so and I’ll get some combat practice underway.

I have had in the past, regular sessions with Dave, Jason, Manky plus others turn up for some sparring at the end of my street (ahh no exit street) plus theres a park just down the road.
And my garage is a good place for a few beers after (once I clean it up).

That and some of the neighbourhood kids too, so if any Hamiltonians are watching, keep an eye out on the Hamilton forum sometime soon, we’ll have some fighting and stuff!

I’m just glad i did it well enough to not scare you away :slight_smile:

My brother thought you where awesome…

This is what I assumed live action combat (boffer) would be about here - which is why I didn’t even remotely consider it at Chimera. Chimera has opened my eyes! There are beautiful weapons out there! I have sword envy!

If you want some serious drool material -


Oh MY.


WANT! … icien1.jpg


Back in the Mordavia days we did have some weapon/fighting trainnig running. Usually a little ad hoc, but people seemed to lose interest after a while.

Another good source for training is Fencing. Thats where I learnt swordplay first after doing it competitively for a few years.
Foil and Epee aren’t the right style, but Sabre is perfect IMHO. It teaches great foot work and a lot of good parries for a light blade that doesn’t need heavy blows. It’ll also teach you to use your wrist rather than your arm which helps keep blows light and manageable. So if you have any Fencers who’ve done Sabre you can learn a lot from them. Alternatevly you could find a fencing club to do some training at - I’m pretty sure VUW should still have an active group, and theres a plethora of clubs in Auckland.

Just a thought about the ‘making sure people have some clue about the weapons’: Airsoft Auckland has a requirement that you must have done an induction before you are allowed to take to the field in any ASA games. The induction is held before the start of the day’s gaming, and covers what you’re expected to know and bear in mind on the field, what the minimum standards of behaviour are, and (usually) the basics of using an airsoft firearm. Its not an arduous procedure, but it makes sure that everyone has heard what they need to hear (and means that people don’t have an excuse of ignorance if they do something they really shouldn’t).

Maybe at the start of game, it would be a good idea to quickly do something similar with those who haven’t had it before and haven’t done much LARP combat so that they get some proper instruction on what’s involved, what’s expected of them, and how to keep everyone safe (and maybe a bit on the basics of sword-fighting).

That’s exactly what we’re talking about…

Maybe at the start of game, it would be a good idea to quickly do something similar with those who haven’t had it before and haven’t done much LARP combat so that they get some proper instruction on what’s involved, what’s expected of them, and how to keep everyone safe (and maybe a bit on the basics of sword-fighting).[/quote]

This is MEANT to happen at the beginning of every Knightshade game… as well as a quick brief on rules etc.
Sometimes we forget or get distracted by 1000 other GM tasks. Still its not a bad idea. At SWVH, we often have a small amount of time on Saturday morning after breakfast and devotions… excellent time for sparring.