If you played a Roman or German would you provide your own armour? (Romans = Lorica Segmentata, Germans = Leather Armour/fur)
- Yes, Definately Willing to Make Lorica
- No, I’m happy to pay more for Lorica being Provided
- Maybe, depends on cost
- Yes, I would make my own Leather Armour (Germanic)
- No, I would like to pay more for Leather Armour provided (Germanic)
0 voters
Hi All,
I’ve been slaving over a hot melt gun for many months trying to get this armoury up to scratch for the first Southern Mordavia Weekend game.
However I need to get an idea of how much of each item I need to produce, or whether players would be prepared to make some of their own kit.
At present for the Romans I’m building:
19 Roman Scutum Shields
19 Roman Gladius
19 Lorica Segmentata
19 Roman Helmets
10 Roman Auxilia Spears
10 Roman Auxilia Shields
10 Roman Auxilia Helmets
The Germans:
20 Leather Torso pieces / replica’s
20 Shields
20 Various Weapons
3 Bows
30 Arrows
As you can see it’s a large gear list for the two Player factions let alone starting on the NPC gear pile. I much prefer it if some of the potential players would build their own armour as it is very time consuming to build, If you were interested in building your own Lorica or Leather Armour I could produce templates that you could use, the vote above is to gauge how many would be keen to build their own armour.
Also game fee’s will be cheaper for those who bring their own gear as it saves me a lot of time in gear production, which at this rate will take me another year to produce the desired numbers.