We are collating a to-do list for NZLARPS for 2017.
I’m only gonna be unemployed a little bit longer (fingers crossed) so lets … try to avoid using political slogans and terrible metaphors to express enthusiasm and desire for progress… ?
This is an invite to Wellington Larpers, former-larpers, not-quite larpers etc, to tell me what you want. What larps do you want run, what rules do you want changed, what gear do you want purchased, what workshops do you want run.
It could be related to the results of the marketing survey (https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/17SIVZVRYkfBBogA92TwSuT6xjuN1M-WswBN8UmBqAkc/edit#slide=id.p Thank you @IdiotSavant), from a previous discussion, or something that’s occurred to you.
You can post it here, PM me, email me (I’ll take possession of the Director emails soon, but haven’t yet), send me a carrier pigeon (you’ll have to source that yourself though). There’s no harm in repeating ourselves during the ideas sessions, so don’t worry if you’re not sure if it’s come up before, say it anyway. But lets keep discussion and cross-chatter to a minimum so we can collect ideas.
(Non Wellington people, your committees have also been invited to collect ideas from you. But feel free to post here anyway.)